Have I invented a new Ten Stitch Blanket crochet method??

Rosy Alice Handmade

I’m not completely sure about the answer to that question, but I’ve yet to discover otherwise! There are many, many, many crocheters online who are much cleverer and much more experienced than me so I’m happy to be proven wrong. Either way, I came up with this method by myself and had no intentions of copying any one on purpose!

I really wanted to make a Ten Stitch Blanket but couldn’t get my head round the versions I’d seen around the Interwebs, so, like any mature adult, I gave up.

Then for Christmas, I Tunisian crocheted a shawl for my daughter and realised that I could modify the techniques in the pattern and use them to make a much simpler Ten Stitch Blanket.

If you don’t know how to Tunisian Crochet, have a peek at YouTube. There are lots of lovely videos by clever people there and you’ll be a…

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